How to monitor team activity and projects progress?

28 April 2011By Ksenija

Being a convenient platform for collaboration inside a team and effective project management, TeamLab gives you a possibility to be in touch with the situation within the project you lead, you take part, or are simply interested in.

Depending on the role you play in a particular project, you initially get different amount of information, but with little effort you can access its full spectrum. So, you might be an administrator, a project manager, a project team member, or a co-worker who is interested in this project, because it’s associated with his own one and you need to be in the know or just out of pure curiosity.

TeamLab offers you the following tools to keep track of team activity and projects progress:

  • Email notifications

If you are an administrator or a curious co-worker:

Following a projectYou won’t receive any email notifications concerning existing projects unless you subscribe to them (i.e. follow a certain project). To do that open the ‘Projects’ module, select this project clicking its title in the list, and hit the ‘Follow this project’ link on the ‘Actions’ panel. After that you will receive notifications about created tasks, started project-related discussions, uploaded documents, in a word, about all newly created content*.

If you are a project manager or a project team member:

You needn’t do anything to receive notifications about created and closed tasks**, started project-related discussions, uploaded documents, etc. They will be sent to your email address automatically.

* Except comments
** As a project manager, you'll receive notifications about the tasks created by any team member of your project. Both project managers and project team members will receive notifications about the closed tasks they created.

Subscriptions listRegardless of the role you play in your company, you can manage your notifications by changing their type from ‘Email’ to ‘Talk’ and vice versa or choosing both of them, view their full list, and unsubscribe from them. To do that click the [User Name] link at the top and select ‘Subscriptions’. Then open the ‘Projects’ section where you can view all your subscriptions within the ‘Projects’ module.

  • Reports

Generating a reportEvery portal user can also follow the activity of existing project teams by generating reports. In this way you can get the particular data you need at the moment by adjusting filters. To generate a report, just open the ‘Projects’ module and click the ‘Reports’ tab. Then select a report type, use filters if needed, and hit the ‘Generate Report’ button. If you’d like to receive reports with this kind of information automatically by email in a certain period of time, you can check the ‘Save as template’ box, set available parameters, click the ‘Apply’ button and only then the ‘Generate Report’ button.

To conclude this post, I invite you to take advantage of all the available TeamLab functions and hope you find this information helpful. Thank you for reading and good luck! 🙂

P.S. Watch our video to learn how to monitor team activity and projects progress.

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