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Online office for Strapi
Edit and co-author office files added to the Strapi Media Library using ONLYOFFICE Docs
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Fully compatible with docx, xlsx, and pptx


ONLYOFFICE Docs is a self-hosted office suite for working on text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and forms

Ready-to-use integration plugin

Easy installation from Strapi Market & quick configuration

Intuitive interface with tabs

Multiple editing, formatting, and styling tools

Real-time collaboration, Track Changes, comments, chat

Free Community and scalable Enterprise versions

JWT protection from unauthorized access

Open-source code available on GitHub

Get started

How to start

1. Deploy ONLYOFFICE Docs on your own server or create Docs Cloud account.
2. Get the ONLYOFFICE connector from the Strapi Market or nmp directory.
3. Configure the connector and enable JWT.
Need an app to connect ONLYOFFICE Docs to your favorite web service? Or have you developed one?
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