Calendars in TeamLab Calendar

12 January 2012By Ksenija

Click to zoom inWithin the last few weeks we received several questions concerning calendars which can be found in TeamLab Calendar, that’s why I decided to devote the today’s post to this topic.

All of you surely know how to access TeamLab calendar – just click the ‘Calendar’ link on the start page (that appears after login where all the active modules are displayed) or at the very top of any page. After that TeamLab Calendar will open introducing all events from your calendars situated on the left side.

All calendars are grouped under two sections: ‘My Calendars’ and ‘Other Calendars’. The ‘My Calendars’ section includes a default calendar with the ‘My Calendar’ name and all the calendars you created. You can enter a name, change the events and text color for such calendars, share them with other portal users, set the event reminder.

How to create a new calendar in the 'My Calendars' section?
To create a calendar, click the create icon. A new window will open where you can enter a name for your new calendar, set its color and the reminder for its events, share it with other portal users. Click the 'Save' button and your new calendar will become available in the 'My Calendars' section.

How to create an event within a calendar from the 'My Calendars' section?
To find the instructions on how to create an all-day event, click here.
To find the instructions on how to create a recurring event, click here.

How to edit calendars?
Find a calendar in one of the sections and click the icon next to it. After that a pop-up window will open where you can change the calendar settings.

How to share events from calendars?
The detailed instructions can be found here.

How to share the whole calendar?
The detailed instructions can be found here.

How to set the event reminder?
The detailed instructions can be found here.

The ‘Other Calendars’ section consists of the calendars created automatically and available for viewing only. They are:

  • ‘Users’ Birthdays’ that includes your colleagues’ birthday dates;
  • ‘Events Shared with Me’ that includes events shared by other portal users with you;
  • Projects calendars that include milestones deadlines and tasks due dates of the projects you follow or participate in.

You can’t add new events to the calendars from the ‘Other Calendars’ section. But depending on the calendar type you can change its color (available for the ‘Users’ Birthdays’ and ‘Events Shared with Me’ calendars as well as for projects calendars), share it with other portal users (available for projects calendars only), set the event reminder (available for the ‘Events Shared with Me’ calendar only).

How to make a calendar from the 'Other Calendars' section invisible?
If you no longer want to see events from a calendar in the main area of TeamLab Calendar, you can just click the icon next to this calendar in the 'Other Calendars' section. If you'd like to delete a calendar from the 'Other Calendars' section, click the icon and uncheck the box corresponding to this calendar in the opened window. You can make it visible in the 'Other Calendars' section again any time checking the same box.

All events of the calendars from the both sections – ‘My Calendars’ and ‘Other Calendars’ – are displayed in the main area of TeamLab Calendar and marked with a certain color depending on the calendar it belongs to.

That’s all for today. If you still have questions and need assistance, please visit our Help Center or write an email to our Support Team. In case you have a great idea concerning TeamLab improvement or just want to express your opinion, you can leave your feedback that will surely be checked out and taken into consideration.

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