Der Stammtisch
We would recommend ONLYOFFICE, as the reliability and clarity of the platform is simply fantastic. Just as the Document Editor is very easy and clear to use, collaboration works perfectly even from Rostock to Frankfurt.
"Der Stammtisch" is an independent web platform for children and young people, as well as for adults who promote exchange and social togetherness.
Lukas Bothur, Project lead of Stammtisch: "For less than three months we have been working with the ONLYOFFICE software. The platform covers everything we need and is also free of charge. For this we are really very grateful to use the platform. At the moment, we only work with documents, the main point is the central document repository. Thanks to the integration into our team portal, our nationwide hard-working team in Germany can better connect with each other and store important information and documents in a central location. Other functions of the online office suite we're going to use sometime in the future. In addition to the Cloud version, we use the app for IOS, which simplifies the process of collaboration when you're on the way. Incidentally we see no problems with the platform."