ONLYOFFICE app for Dropbox updated to version 1.1.0: user avatars, Version history, dark theme

6 March 2025By Dasha

We have released a new update for the ONLYOFFICE application for Dropbox, introducing several enhancements to improve your document editing experience. With version 1.1.0, you can enjoy more seamless document management, version history, and additional customization options.

ONLYOFFICE app for Dropbox updated to version 1.1.0: user avatars, Version history, dark theme, and more

User avatar in the editors

See your profile picture while working on documents for a more personalized editing experience. This feature enhances collaboration by making it easier to identify who is working on a document.

ONLYOFFICE app for Dropbox updated to version 1.1.0: user avatars, Version history, dark theme, and more

Version history

Easily access and review document history directly within the editor. You’ll see the list of the document versions and revisions, with the indication of each version/revision author and creation date and time.

Here, you can track changes and restore previous versions.

Where to find: File tab -> Version History

ONLYOFFICE app for Dropbox updated to version 1.1.0: user avatars, Version history, dark theme, and more

In addition, you can also see the deleted text can be highlighted. To do this, click the three dots button in the upper right corner of the Version History panel and select the Highlight deleted option from the menu.

Dark mode for editors

Enjoy a more comfortable editing experience with dark mode support. This option reduces eye strain and provides an alternative interface for working in low-light environments.

Where to find: View tab -> Interface theme -> Dark / Contrast Dark.

ONLYOFFICE app for Dropbox updated to version 1.1.0: user avatars, Version history, dark theme, and more

In addition, you can switch the color of the document itself to dark to make it even easier to work in low-light environments. Click Dark document in the View tab.

ONLYOFFICE app for Dropbox updated to version 1.1.0: user avatars, Version history, dark theme, and more

Region selection for conversion

Choose a region when converting files for optimized settings. This feature provides better localization options and improves the accuracy of document formatting.

ONLYOFFICE app for Dropbox updated to version 1.1.0: user avatars, Version history, dark theme, and more

Other improvements

  • Password-protected files processing during conversion.
  • Output data type error handling during conversion.
  • Extended list of supported formats.

Get the ONLYOFFICE app for Dropbox

Try the latest version of the ONLYOFFICE app now to edit your office documents stored in Dropbox:


The app uses the pre-configured tenant of ONLYOFFICE Docs Cloud and doesn’t require any additional configuration.

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View, edit and collaborate on docs, sheets, slides, forms, and PDF files online.