How the University of Zurich integrated ONLYOFFICE Docs into OLAT
Read this article to learn how the University of Zurich has integrated ONLYOFFICE Docs into its own learning platform OLAT so that students and lecturers can create and edit documents in OLAT together.
About the University of Zurich
With more than 27,000 students, the University of Zurich is Switzerland’s largest university. Founded in the year 1833, UZH was Europe’s first university to be established by a democratic political system. Made up of seven faculties covering some 100 different subject areas, the University offers a wide variety of Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD programs. As a member of the “League of European Research Universities” (LERU), the “Universitas 21” (U21) network and “una europa”, the University of Zurich belongs to Europe’s most prestigious research institutions. Being a diverse university, UZH attracts the world’s best researchers and most promising students.

The learning platform OLAT + ONLYOFFICE
For collaborative work in OLAT, the strategic learning platform of the University of Zurich, they were looking for a reliable suite to edit office documents. With ONLYOFFICE Docs they found a suitable solution that is based on open source and offers compatibility with the Office Open XML format.
ONLYOFFICE is operated on internal servers, which makes it easier for OLAT to comply with the data protection regulations.
How does it work?
ONLYOFFICE is used in the folder and task course elements of OLAT. Documents can be created or edited directly – this seamless integration ensures good usability and enables collaborative editing of documents during various events and lectures.
The screenshot below shows an example of a course module in OLAT in which ONLYOFFICE is used:

Karin Niffeler, E-Learning Coordination Department of Biology/Biomedicine at UZH:
As a course lecturer, I appreciate ONLYOFFICE not only as a great tool for collaborative text editing among students, but also for preparing and reviewing scripts with colleagues – thanks to the excellent rights management within the protected OLAT online environment.
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View, edit and collaborate on docs, sheets, slides, forms, and PDF files online.