Install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on Windows using the online installer

27 January 2025By Dasha

ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors is now even easier to install with the new online installer. Designed for Windows users (starting from Windows 7), this installer simplifies downloading, updating, repairing, and removing the application. Keep on reading to learn how to use it.

Install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on Windows using the online installer

About the online installer

The online installer is a small .exe file for all Windows versions. It allows you to easily install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors without the necessity of thinking about whether you need x64 or x86 installation. When you launch the online installer, it checks the Windows version and offers you to install the Desktop Editors version corresponding to the system.

With the online installer, you can launch the standard installation wizard or activate the silent installation mode. If the application is installed, you can also:

  • update or repair an existing installation;
  • clear cached data and user settings;
  • remove the application from your system.

Installing ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors in the silent mode

Silent mode is an installation option that allows you to set up ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors in the background with minimal user interaction. Unlike the standard installation process, silent mode does not require you to confirm each step, making it faster and more convenient.

1. Run the online-installer.exe file. The online installer window will open.The Silent installation box is checked by default.

Click the Install button.

Install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on Windows using the online installer

2. The installer will download the necessary version of the application depending on the Windows version installed on your computer.

Once the download is completed, the installation process will be launched automatically.

Install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on Windows using the online installer

3. When the installation is completed, check the Launch box if you want to run the installed application and click the Close button.

Install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on Windows using the online installer

Installing ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors using the wizard

Alternatively, you can install the application using the step-by-step wizard with the ability to view each step and modify some settings if necessary.

1. Run the online-installer.exe file.

2. In the online installer window, uncheck the Silent installation box and click the Install button.

Install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on Windows using the online installer

The installer will download the necessary version of the application depending on the Windows version installed on your computer.

3. Once the download is completed, the installation wizard will start. Follow these steps to complete the installation.

Updating, repairing, and removing ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors using the online installer

If the ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors application is already installed, you can use the online installer to update, repair, or uninstall the application.

Run the online-installer.exe file.

Check one of the necessary options:

  • Update – to update the application to the latest version.
  • Repair – to fix the application if it is not running correctly.

You can also check the Clear cached data and Clear user setting boxes if necessary.

  • Uninstall – to remove the application from your computer.

You can also check the Clear user setting and cached data box if necessary.

Click the Apply button and wait while the selected operation is completed.

Install ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on Windows using the online installer

Watch our video on how to perform a silent installation of ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors on Windows:

Start using the online installer for ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors

Download the ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors online installer to streamline your installation or maintenance process and edit office documents on your PC even offline.


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