How the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation helps young people in Vietnam using ONLYOFFICE and Nextcloud
The non-profit organization “Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation Germany” integrated ONLYOFFICE Docs with Nextcloud to collaborate on protocols and contracts. Marcel Scherello, CIO Blue Dragon Germany, talks about their experience.
About the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation
Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation Germany e.V., based in Berlin, is a non-profit organization that supports children and young people in Vietnam, and also rescues people from human trafficking.
With its work and donations, the organization makes it possible to implement various projects in this field in Vietnam.
The aim of the organization is to help Vietnamese children and young people in crisis situations – from rescue to long-term support for a self-determined life – and at the same time to make changes for a better world.
They want to publicize the work of the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation and draw attention to the social problems of homeless children, people with disabilities and trafficked people in Vietnam.

Marcel Scherello tells us that they are a distributed team and work together collaboratively in Nextcloud to create office documents, organize video conferences, plan projects and administrative activities.
They are using ONLYOFFICE Docs as an online office suite for their Nextcloud – and the integration works seamlessly. Technically, ONLYOFFICE is operated via Docker, which makes the updating process a breeze.
Marcel Scherello, CIO Blue Dragon Germany:
The aim is to ensure that all our volunteers can concentrate on their work. So, we don’t have time to send over lots of documents manually or deal with incompatibilities.
Effective document collaboration
Marcel says that they use ONLYOFFICE to write down minutes of general meetings, create presentations, donation overviews and contracts, and work on documents with external parties.
Particularly important for the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation is the ability to edit documents on the go.
The organization would definitely recommend ONLYOFFICE to other users. The compatibility with familiar office applications and formats requires almost no training and makes it very easy for new members to get started.
ONLYOFFICE enables us to invest our limited time in supporting children and young people. Both application and operation do not cause any overhead and allow us to work effectively.
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