Access Rights Management within the CRM Module

24 November 2011By Ksenija

Click to zoom inContinuing the topic of access rights management within Projects and Documents, today I’ll introduce the new CRM module recently included to TeamLab from this point of view. Customer relationship management involves compiling and processing important data that represents a commercial secret. That’s why the access rights management feature is so essential for the CRM module.

Getting started organizing your work within the new module, you will certainly need to adjust it according to your needs and business processes specific for your company. Possessing administrator privileges, you can:
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  • select the default currency,
  • add new user fields to be able to enter some additional information about your contacts, opportunities or cases,
  • set opportunity stages that will comply with the business process in your company,
  • adjust contact types you can use to characterize your potential customers and navigate through the contact list easier,
  • change the default tasks categories according to the processes characteristic for your company,
  • export all CRM data you collected on your TeamLab portal to the .csv files you can download as a ZIP archive.

To do that,
1. Sign in to your portal entering your login details.
2. Click the CRM link in the middle of the start page or at the very top.
3. Switch to the Settings tab that will introduce common settings.
4. Click the needed link on the Navigation panel to open the corresponding settings page.

As a portal administrator, you can also moderate the whole content like in any other TeamLab module.

All the above mentioned operations you can’t perform as a portal user. But you can do a lot of other things, such as:
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  • import contacts or add a contact/company to the common contact list manually,
  • search for contacts sorting them by types, tags, categories (i.e. contacts, companies, clients), see their details (*if you have access to these contacts),
  • create new tasks, assign them to a certain person, set due dates, link tasks with contacts and select task categories,
  • add new opportunities, set a budget and responsible person for it, change opportunity stages in the course of time, assign tasks, add participants, attach files (*if you have access to these opportunities),
  • organize events adding cases and specifying their participants, uploading and creating files, assigning tasks (*if you have access to these cases),
  • grant access rights to other portal users for the new contacts, opportunities and cases you created.

The access to all newly created contacts, opportunities and cases is granted to all portal users by default. But if you wish to restrict access to some of them, you need to check the Restrict access to the contact/company/opportunity/case box at the bottom of the form you have to fill in to add a new item. Then add the portal users you want to grant access rights to clicking the Add Employee link. In this way the users with access rights only will be able to view and edit these contacts, opportunities and cases.

That’s all for it. But if you need assistance, please visit our Help Center or write a message to our Support Team. In case you have a great idea concerning TeamLab CRM or just want to express your opinion, you can leave your feedback that will surely be checked out and taken into consideration.

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