DocSpace za efikasnu saradnju sa vašim klijentima i poslovnim partnerima
- Prilagodljive sobe sa fleksibilnim dozvolama za bilo koju poslovnu svrhu.
- Rad sa bilo kojim sadržajem: dokumentima, tabelama, prezentacijama, digitalnim obrascima, e-knjigama, PDF-ovima
- Zaštićen pristup dokumentima i više bezbednosnih opcija.
- Besplatan plan za male timove.
- Pozivajući korisnike putem spoljašnjih linkova da im omogućite pregled dokumenata bez registracije.
Preuzmite sada
for effective teamwork
Replacement for Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Zoho Workplace
- Productivity tools to manage docs, projects, and customers, schedule meetings, communicate via mail, chat, and corporate social network
- Online editors for documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, and PDFs
- Enhanced security to protect your sensitive files, including access rights restriction, data encryption, regular backups, etc.
- Everything you need for a quick start: intuitive interface, trainings and professional support
- In public cloud without installation OR on-premises to keep all data in-house
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“Best for companies who don’t want to spend much time and money to get their company up and running.”
Adithya U.
Senior Software Engineer
for seamless collaboration within your business environment
Replacement for Google Docs/Sheets/Slides, Microsoft Office Online, Zoho Docs, Dropbox Paper
- Online editors for documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, and PDFs
- High compatibility with MS Office formats
- Advanced collaboration with real-time and paragraph-locking co-editing modes, comments, Track Changes, built-in chat, video calls via Jitsi
- 30+ ready-to-use integrations with business platforms: WordPress, Moodle, Nextcloud, ownCloud, Confluence, Alfresco, Jira, and other platforms.
See all connectors
- Data protection with
JWT, SSL encryption, restriction on copying, downloading, and printing
- On-premises to keep all data in-house OR in public cloud without installation
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“Nextcloud integration works like a charm! Our users are really happy to be able to edit Documents in-place, allowing them to share documents and collaborate on them. No need for mail attachments, multiplicating document versions.”
Guenael S.
desktop editors for offline work
Replacement for Microsoft Office Word/Excel/PowerPoint, WPS Office, Hancom Office
- One application to work with documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms, and PDF
- Offline mode & connection to clouds for online collaboration
- High compatibility with MS Office formats
- Document encryption with passwords and digital signatures
- Native apps for Windows, Linux, macOS
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mobile apps for managing docs on the go
Replacement for Office, Google Docs mobile, Zoho Docs mobile, QuickOffice, Pages
- One app for your text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations
- Form filler, PDF viewer, media player
- Working on device or in the cloud of your choice
- For iOS and Android smartphones and tablets
“A must have tool, The SwissArmy app on the Office Universe.”
Mirko T.
Representacion Nacional