Seamlessly collaborate on Word documents Comfortably co-author large documents in a team of any size with a range of collaboration tools Run on your own server See it in action Share safely Share documents for viewing and editing, and make use of the advanced sharing permissions to enable commenting or reviewing. Create ready-to-fill-out forms and let other users fill them in. Restrict the copying, downloading, and printing of documents. Co-edit without stress Collaborate on documents online in real-time with Fast mode or work privately on texts and paragraphs with Strict mode. Use Undo and Redo, change tracking, and other tools independently from others. Comment and discuss Leave comments to discuss questions and issues. Sort comments by author and date. Mention users in comments to invite them to collaborate and instantly share the file with them. Use the built-in chat, Telegram or Jitsi plugins to communicate with your team. Track changes and compare content The best way to collaborate on a Word document is to display your input with others. Enable Track Changes to highlight your contributions, review changes made by others, and accept or delete them. Browse and restore document versions in the history tab and compare separate documents with Document Comparison. Run on your own server See it in action Počnite i izaberite gde ćete raditi U ONLYOFFICE DocSpace-u Kreirajte sobe u svom sigurnom DocSpace-u, pozovite ljude, pregledajte, uređujte i sarađujte na svim vrstama dokumenata sa bilo kog desktop ili mobilnog uređaja. Preuzmite sada Na platformi koju koristite Povežite Docs da biste uređivali dokumente direktno iz vaše aplikacije. 40+ spremnih integracija: Box, Moodle, Nextcloud, Odoo, Wordpress, itd. Nabavite ga odmah Na platformi koju gradite Integrišite dokumente u svoju uslugu kako biste svojim klijentima pružili moćne mogućnosti za uređivanje dokumenata i izgradnju pod vašim brendom. Preuzmite sada Sa vašeg računara Uređujte dokumente van mreže pomoću besplatnih kancelarijskih aplikacija za Windows, Linux i macOS. Preuzmite sada Sa vaših mobilnih uređaja Radite na dokumentima u pokretu sa besplatnim aplikacijama za iOS i Android uređaje Instalirajte sada