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Beheer uw privékantoor met ONLYOFFICE

het meest complete office suite

Bekijk, bewerk en werk samen documenten, bladen, en dia's
Maak invulbare formulieren en vul ze online in
PDFs lezen, exporteren/importeren naar/van PDF
Documenten omzetten naar Markdown en HTML
Zet uw schoolboeken om in e-books
Bekijk, bewerk en werk samen documenten, bladen, en dia's
Maak invulbare formulieren en vul ze online in
PDFs lezen, exporteren/importeren naar/van PDF
Documenten omzetten naar Markdown en HTML
Zet uw schoolboeken om in e-books
Meer informatie over de kenmerken van ONLYOFFICE Docs

Ontworpen om samenwerking gemakkelijk te maken

Deel uw documenten alleen voor het bekijken, bewerken, beoordelen, commentaar geven of invullen van formulieren
Maak gebruik van samen bewerken op teken- en alineaniveau
Documenten vergelijken, beoordelen en wijzigingen bijhouden
Laat opmerkingen en vermeldingen achter
Communiceer via ingebouwde chat of Telegram
Voer audio- en videogesprekken met Jitsi of Rainbow
Deel uw documenten alleen voor het bekijken, bewerken, beoordelen, commentaar geven of invullen van formulieren
Maak gebruik van samen bewerken op teken- en alineaniveau
Documenten vergelijken, beoordelen en wijzigingen bijhouden
Laat opmerkingen en vermeldingen achter
Communiceer via ingebouwde chat of Telegram
Voer audio- en videogesprekken met Jitsi of Rainbow
Learn more about ONLYOFFICE collaboration features

Enhanced with AI-powered virtual assistants

Connect any AI model, including a local one
Use different AI models for different tasks
Generate texts, images, and code
Get quick answers to your questions
Check your text spelling and grammar
Easily rewrite your text making it shorter or longer
Translate into different languages and do much more
Connect any AI model, including a local one
Use different AI models for different tasks
Generate texts, images, and code
Get quick answers to your questions
Check your text spelling and grammar
Easily rewrite your text making it shorter or longer
Translate into different languages and do much more
Learn more about AI assistants in ONLYOFFICE

Veiligheid voorop

Open broncode beschikbaar op GitHub
Naleving van internationale veiligheidsnormen
Drie coderingsniveaus:  at rest, tijdens het verzenden en end-to-end
Beveiligde toegang en bewakingstools
Extra document machtigingen
Meer informatie over de beveiligingsfuncties van ONLYOFFICE

Get started and choose where to work


Create rooms within your secure DocSpace, invite people, view, edit, and collaborate on all kinds of documents from any desktop or mobile device.

In the platform you use

Connect Docs to your platform with dozens of ready connectors: Moodle, Nextcloud, Odoo, Wordpress, and others and edit docs directly from the app.

In the platform you build

Integrate Docs into your service to provide powerful document-editing and building capabilities to your customers under your brand.

From your PC

Edit docs offline with free office apps for Windows, Linux, and macOS

From your mobile devices

Work on documents on the go with free apps for iOS and Android devices

Blijf up-to-date met het laatste nieuws van ONLYOFFICE

More news here
More videos here
More events here
Veelgestelde vragen
Get answers to the most popular questions about ONLYOFFICE
  • Is ONLYOFFICE really free?

    Yes, it is. ONLYOFFICE is a free and open-source office suite distributed under the AGPL 3.0 license. The source code repositories are available on GitHub.

    Besides, we offer a range of free solutions that you can choose from based on your needs. These include absolutely free desktop editors for Windows/Linux/macOS, free mobile apps for iOS/Android, the free Startup plan of ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Cloud.

    Free community builds of ONLYOFFICE solutions for self-hosting can be found here.

  • What is ONLYOFFICE used for?

    ONLYOFFICE provides a full range of tools to create, edit and collaborate on text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, PDF forms and regular PDF files on web, desktop and mobile platforms.

    You can use the online editors within any business platform or opt for the room-based content collaboration platform ONLYOFFICE DocSpace which already comes with the integrated editors. Besides, you are able to embed the editors into your own web app.

    Desktop editors for working with office documents offline, as well as mobile apps are also available.

  • Is ONLYOFFICE safe to use?

    Yes, it is. We prioritize security with robust measures. ONLYOFFICE is open-source and GDPR compliant – which means it fits all the legal criteria for data protection. ONLYOFFICE includes file encryption and multiple options for secure sharing and access control. Besides, our solutions can be deployed on private servers.

  • Can I use ONLYOFFICE offline?

    Yes, you can. To do so, download the free ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors which is available for Windows, Linux, and macOS.

  • Does ONLYOFFICE have ads?

    No, ONLYOFFICE is ad-free. We don't incorporate any external ads into our solutions.