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Online office for Nuxeo
Edit and co-author office documents online within Nuxeo
Get started
Work with text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and forms

Designed for seamless integration with Nuxeo

Get the ONLYOFFICE connector for Nuxeo now from the Nuxeo Marketplace.


Perfect compatibility

Work with all major documents formats. Highest compatibility with MS Office guaranteed.

High quality formatting

Utilize hundreds of formatting and styling tools to create beautiful and persuasive documents.


Extend editor functionality with ready-to-use plugins. Write your own app to add features you miss or ask our developers to do so. Visit our App Directory.


Documents keep the same formatting and style in any browser on any OS as well as while importing or printing.

Collaboration tools

Use two co-editing modes (real-time and paragraph-locking), review and track changes, compare documents, comment or chat.


Check the source code out on GitHub. Protect your documents from unauthorized access with JWT.

Easy integration

Choose between multiple deployment options. Easily connect ONLYOFFICE Docs with ready-to-use connector available on Nuxeo Marketplace.


ONLYOFFICE Docs can be scaled for team of any size. Even if you have thousands of users!

Get started

How to start

1. Deploy ONLYOFFICE Docs on your own server or create Docs Cloud account.
2. Get the ONLYOFFICE connector from the Nuxeo Marketplace.
3. Configure the connector and enable JWT.
Need an app to connect ONLYOFFICE Docs to your favorite web service? Or have you developed one?
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