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document collaboration made simpler

document collaboration made simpler
  • Easily collaborate with customizable rooms
  • Edit any content you have
  • Work faster using AI assistants
  • Protect your sensitive business data
  • Pay for admins only
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Choose the way you collaborate

DocSpace provides flexible access permissions. Create rooms, invite people, collaborate and communicate to get work done.
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Work with any content you have

Store files of different formats within your rooms. View, edit and collaborate.
Highest MS Office compatibility
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Work together within any cloud you are used to

Choose where to store your rooms. Connect any cloud storage and work without switching between apps.

Work faster with AI assistants

Make the process of document creation and editing much easier. Generate texts, images, and code. Get quick answers to your questions or explanation of some notions and concepts. Check your text spelling and grammer. Easily rewrite your text making it shorter or longer. Translate into different languages and do much more with integrated AI tools.
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Make use of extra features

Activate the system plugins or add your own to extend your DocSpace functionality.
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Collaborate securely

Compliance with standards

In ONLYOFFICE, all personal information is treated carefully. Our data security policy is fully compliant with the GDPR standards.

Open source

ONLYOFFICE affirms its transparency and reliability by opening the source code of all functional modules and tools.


ONLYOFFICE uses the industry-leading AES-256 encryption standard to protect your sensitive data at rest. Data is protected in transit by use of HTTPS protocols with up-to-date TLS encryption algorithm.

Secure access & monitoring

Flexible access rights and JWT let you entirely control document access. Activity tracking and audit reporting provide traceability.
Learn more about ONLYOFFICE security features

Get started and choose where to work

On-premises or in the cloud

Create rooms within your secure DocSpace, invite people, view, edit, and collaborate on all kinds of documents from any desktop or mobile device.

In the platform you use

Connect DocSpace to collaborate on office documents directly from your business platform: Zoom, Pipedrive, Drupal or WordPress. Make use of Zapier integration to connect DocSpace with thousands of tools your team uses.

In the platform you build

Embed rooms or the whole DocSpace into your service to provide document storing and collaboration capabilities to your customers under your brand.

From your PC

Edit docs offline with free office apps for Windows, Linux, and macOS

From your mobile devices

Work on documents on the go with free apps for iOS and Android devices

Learn more about ONLYOFFICE DocSpace


Master ONLYOFFICE DocSpace with video guides
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Integrate ONLYOFFICE DocSpace into a Single Page Application
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Switch ONLYOFFICE DocSpace Server to HTTPS
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Frequently Asked Questions
  • How much is DocSpace per month?

    ONLYOFFICE DocSpace starts at €20 per admin per month. Learn more about DocSpace pricing and plans.

  • Is there a self-hosted version of ONLYOFFICE DocSpace?

    Yes, you can download it here.

  • What is the technology stack of ONLYOFFICE DocSpace?

    Back-end: С# 9.0, .NET 5.0/.NET Core/ASP.NET Core/MySQL 8.0/Kafka/ElasticSearch
    Front-end: ES6, CSS/SASS, React, Mobx, Styled-Components, i18next, Webpack 4/5