使用 ONLYOFFICE 宏,将超链接导入电子表格中

2023年10月04日作者: Alina


Import hyperlinks into your spreadsheet with ONLYOFFICE macro



var oWorksheetA = Api.GetSheet("Sheet1");
var oWorksheetB = Api.GetSheet("Sheet2");
var rowIndex = 0;
var titles = [];
var links = [];

然后使用 while 循环遍历“Sheet1”(在本例中最多 10 行)中的行。在循环内部会从 A 列和 B 列的单元格中检索值,假设 A 列包含标题,B 列包含链接。然后,这些值会被存储在标题和链接数组中,供后面使用:

while (rowIndex < 10) {
    var titleCell = oWorksheetA.GetRangeByNumber(rowIndex, 0); // Assuming title is in column A
    var linkCell = oWorksheetA.GetRangeByNumber(rowIndex, 1); // Assuming link is in column B
    var title = titleCell.GetValue();
    var link = linkCell.GetValue();
    titles.push(title); // Store titles in an array
    links.push(link);   // Store links in an array
    rowIndex++; // Increment the row index for the next iteration

然后,我们针对“Sheet2”(oWorksheetB) 中的选定范围,使用“ForEach”方法遍历选定范围中的每个单元格。对于每个单元格,这个宏都会检索单元格的值,查看该值是否与“标题”数组中存的标题匹配:

var rangeB = Api.GetSelection();
rangeB.ForEach(function (cell) {
    var cellValue = cell.GetValue();
    // Check if the cell value matches any of the titles from the array
    var index = titles.indexOf(cellValue);


if (index !== -1) {
        var title = titles[index];
        var link = links[index];
        var address = cell.GetAddress(true, true, "xlA1", false);
        // Set the hyperlink in oWorksheetB
        oWorksheetB.SetHyperlink(address, link, "Api ONLYOFFICE", title);


var oWorksheetA = Api.GetSheet("Sheet1");
var oWorksheetB = Api.GetSheet("Sheet2");
var rowIndex = 0;
var titles = [];
var links = [];
while (rowIndex < 10) {
    var titleCell = oWorksheetA.GetRangeByNumber(rowIndex, 0); // Assuming title is in column A
    var linkCell = oWorksheetA.GetRangeByNumber(rowIndex, 1); // Assuming link is in column B
    var title = titleCell.GetValue();
    var link = linkCell.GetValue();
    titles.push(title); // Store titles in an array
    links.push(link);   // Store links in an array
    rowIndex++; // Increment the row index for the next iteration
var rangeB = Api.GetSelection();
rangeB.ForEach(function (cell) {
    var cellValue = cell.GetValue();
    // Check if the cell value matches any of the titles from the array
    var index = titles.indexOf(cellValue);
    if (index !== -1) {
        var title = titles[index];
        var link = links[index];
        var address = cell.GetAddress(true, true, "xlA1", false);
        // Set the hyperlink in oWorksheetB
        oWorksheetB.SetHyperlink(address, link, "Your Description", title);


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