ONLYOFFICE DocSpace: one-click app available on Vultr

9 December 2024By Ksenija

Great news! You can now easily access ONLYOFFICE DocSpace on the Vultr Marketplace with just one click. This allows you to promptly create a secure room-based collaboration platform, all within Vultr’s reliable infrastructure.

ONLYOFFICE DocSpace: one-click app available on Vultr

About Vultr Marketplace

Vultr has strategically positioned itself in numerous data centers worldwide, offering seamless access to public cloud, storage, and dedicated bare metal servers.

The Vultr Marketplace features a wide range of popular applications, software stacks, and operating systems that can be easily deployed onto Vultr’s infrastructure with just a click of a button.

How to get started

ONLYOFFICE DocSpace: one-click app available on Vultr
ONLYOFFICE DocSpace on Vultr
  • Specify the required parameters for your deployment such as server location and size, auto backups, DDOS protection, etc.
  • Once ready, click the Deploy Now button.
  • Briefly visit the instance via SSH ssh root@use.your.ip to finalize the configuration.
  • Then visit http://use.your.ip in the browser and launch your new ONLYOFFICE DocSpace.


Please note: the Vultr Marketplace hosts the free community build of ONLYOFFICE DocSpace. Need the enterprise version? Get it from our official website.

Create your free ONLYOFFICE account

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